Artist's Bio and Statement
I grew up in New York and moved to the Washington, DC area about 40 years ago. I've always been passionate about painting. I developed my skills through classes at the Washington Studio School, the Yellow Barn, and online, and studied other artists' work in museums, galleries, and publications. I painted regularly during my career as a lawyer, and have now turned my main focus to painting.
I create landscapes, still lifes, and florals in acrylics, and also in watercolor and other watermedia. Because I am endlessly intrigued by the way marks on a surface can convey objects in the world, my paintings are largely representational, but the representational elements are combined with experiments in color or composition, and with areas that are abstracted or invented. The works are built up slowly over time, and every stroke is an experiment. I aim for paintings that make an immediate impact but also repay longer consideration.
The initial inspiration for a landscape painting can be a view from my travels or a scene from around the corner. My still lifes are most often based on groups of objects I've come across rather than set-ups I've created in the studio. What attracts me are strong arrangements of color, shape, and light, which I then seek to translate and heighten by the choices I make in paint. I want my work to convey both the visual interest I see in the world and my fascination with the painted surface.
In July 2024, I showed my paintings in the two-person exhibit "Next Venture" at Gallery B in Bethesda, MD. My work has also been included in the WCADC "Colors of the Season" show, December 2024, and in the juried Members' Show at the Yellow Barn Studio in 2021, 2022, and 2023 (Honorable Mention 2022). My paintings are in a number of private collections.
I am a member of Studio B, a shared studio and exhibit space in downtown Bethesda, MD.